In these hectic times, there often isn’t time for sharing special experiences together.
How about inviting friends, acquaintances and family to an intimate concert with me, my
guitar, my songs and anecdotes from my life, in your own home?
Its very simple. We arrange a date and you invite as many people from your network as
you want (about 25 or more). Your home is the concert hall for the evening.
An ordinary living room is fine. I set up in a corner of the room and play.
What Does It Cost?
It is free for the arranger of the concert. You just ask your guests to give a donation of, for
example,10-€. (100,-Kr.)
Its up to the host how much you want to make of the concert. You can ask people to bring
their own drink, or you can sell wine and bee at cost price. You could make an
arrangement which includes food, Sunday brunch, or whatever you like.
Just as long as its the concert that is the main event.
Contact me for more details.! t:+45 4051 8921